Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

Not finishing the closet.
1) Finishing most of the closet.
2) The weather being nice.
3) Trent telling me to hurry up so he can say Nigh-Nigh.
4) Trent taking a long nap.
5) Finishing up my benefits enrollment.

Having to go home while playing at Naomi's.
1) Playing with Naomi for an hour
2) Eating spaghetti and pizza - it's Italian food day!
3) Not having to deal with Tanya for 4 days in a row! Very Nice, High Five!
4) Playing Bunco and winning the most buncos! It was my first time playing too!
5) Drinking hot cocoa with a french vanilla flavored chocolate spoon! (Part of my prize for winning at Bunco!)

Going to JC Penney's for a Xmas photo with sissy. I did NOT want to do this today. (Mommy had to reschedule)
1) Having the gate moved to behind the table, now there's lots of room for me to run around! (And get into things!)
2) Snuggling with Mommy a lot.
3) Reading 3 books to Mommy.
4) Eating cashews for the first time (and finishing off about half a can!)
5) Eating "red chips" (Doritos)

Mark not helping me with Trent at the photo session. Or being involved in it at all actually.
1) Trent snuggling with me a lot today.
2) Alyssa having fun and winning bunco.
3) Starting my online wish list today!
4) Finding out that most of the people we know had a crappy day today too!
5) Today being the last day that my brother will be in his 20's. And that make me laugh. JEFF WILL BE 30 TOMORROW!!!!!!
6) Pumpkin Spice Latte!

November 13, 2010

Not finishing the closet.
1) Finished painting the closet.
2) Playing with Trent at the park. (Daddy went to his kettlebell class at the park and took Trent with him, while Mommy and sissy went to the hair salon.)
3) Not having any work to do today.
4) The weather being nice.
5) Eating lil smokies.

All day I have been thinking it's later than it really was- Annoying!
1) No school.
2) When the little girl at Ralph's thought my mommy was her mommy.
3) Finally being able to eat the crescent roll foods we made all day!
4) Sleeping in.
5) Getting my iTouch & Nintendo DS back. (I got them taken away for bad behavior, but returned for good behavior!)

Not being able to go in Mommy's room all day because daddy was in there working on the closets.
1) Going to the park with daddy this morning.
2) Dipping apple slices in jelly, ketchup, mustard and sour cream and then eating them.
3) Playing peek-a-boo with mommy's hair!
4) Watching sissy (&daddy) play wii - BONK! (He wanted daddy to play "Bonk" - which we learned was Knock out! LOL)
5) Going to Lowe's & riding in the cart.

Not being able to stand up!
1) Getting my hair colored!
2) Making lots of yummy food with Alyssa.
3) Not overdoing it by resisting the yummy food and not eating all of it!
4) Being the first one up in the morning today because that NEVER happens!
5) PSL! (Pumpkin spice latte...)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 11 - November 12, 2010

Having to deal with M.A.'s team.
1) Getting off work on time.
2) It being Friday.
3) Getting a head start on the closet.
4) It being Friday.
5) Julie having today off.
6) It being Friday.
7) Getting to rock my awesome (BARF) shoes today! (I can not believe he actually wore those to work. Actually, yes I can.)

Hurting my foot tonight! (I tripped over my brother's fire station and stepped on it in the process. OUCH!)
1) Tanya was absent from school!!!
2) Getting to eat a cookie for that mommy got for me!
3) Getting 2 new packs of Webkinz cards from Mark! And one of the webkinz was named Alyssa!
4) Getting my moisturizer! Garnier Moisture Rescue-I've wanted it ever sine mom gave me a sample of it out of her magazine!
5) It being Friday!
6) I am very happy that mommy let me get some makeup at Target! (Clear mascara and lipgloss, LOL)
7) Playing on the computer most of the evening.
8) Playing with my brother!

Definitely when it was time for bed. I did not want to go nigh nigh tonight!
1) Getting to eat a cookkie that mommy got for me!
2) Cookie Crisp for breakfast (again), AND for snack!
3) Playing with Sissy (Giddy up horsey!)
4) Going to Target & Starbucks again!
5) Getting Hot-Dog bandaids!
6) Seeing Aka (Naomi's brother) outside!

My legs won't stop tingling and hurting.
1) Being at home for most of the day-sooooo nice.
2) Making great progress on catching up on my magazines!
4) Michael Kors stuff on sale today, and I resisted the urge and bought nothing! AMAZING!
5) Alyssa leaving me little notes in the morning two days in a row that say good morning & I love you. AWWW.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 10 - November 11, 2010

Having to work on the same problem at work today, as I did all day yesterday.
1) Finishing the problem that I worked on all day today and yesterday.
2) Being 5 pounds away from my goal weight.
3) Trent turning on the light for Alyssa when she asked him to.
4) Making Alyssa laugh by embarrassing her with her bra.
5) Trent eating his dinner and not being whiney about it.

Mom going to work.
1) Sleeping in!
2) No school today (Veteren's Day)
3) Not having to deal with Tanya.
4) Snuggling with Trenton.
5) Seeing how happy Trent was when he saw me in the morning.
6) Watching Mean Girls.
7) Teaching Trent his ABC's.
8) Playing with the girls, (Naomi and her sister Namie) for an hour.
9) Having a Jello cup with whipped cream and 3 pieces of candy today!
10) Playing Wii for Trenton for awhile.

Having to take a nap! (Especially with Sissy home today!)
1) Going to Target - Yay!
2) Getting a bath.
3) Playing with Sissy all day!
4) Watching sissy play Wii.
5) Singing my ABC's!

People hearing me but not listening ALL DAY.
1) Alyssa being home from school.
2) Playing Battleship with Alyssa.
3) Watching Mean Girls with the kids.
4) Trent singing most of his ABC's!
5) Getting part of our bedroom cleaned up. (We're redoing our closets, so its a constant work in progress.)
6) Trent handing me things and saying to me, "Happy Birthday!"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 9 - November 10, 2010

Only getting 4 hours of sleep.
1) Leaving work early.
2) Trent trying to tickle me.
3) Not having to work tonight.
4) Children being good.
5) Going to sleep before 2am.

Getting jammed in my rib from the metal in the seat I was sitting in when I fell. (No serious injuries!)
1) Not having any homework
2) Got to watch a good play.
3) Got three pieces of candy - 2 in my lunch and one for dessert!
4) Finished another book today!
5) Skipping most of my classes because of our field trip!

Having to eat Mac & Cheese for dinner. (I wish I could relate!)
1) Getting to play with toys at Dr. Mennen's office (our Family MFT)
2) Alyssa making me laugh in the truck.
3) Going to Starbucks-Yay!
4) Going shopping at Ralph's in a ride! (A shoping cart with a car on it)
5) Cookie crisp for breakfast again!

Today when leaving Dr.Mennen's office, Mark kissed me twice (this was good), but Alyssa said that's only the third time she's ever seen us kiss-the first being at our wedding 3 years ago. Kinda sad.
1) I got a free yum! (Starbucks drive thru took over 10 minutes, so they gave me my drink for free. YAY!)
2) I got my Michael Kors clothes in the mail!
3) Mark kissed me twice in public today!
4) Alyssa had a good day at school!
5) Getting in a 20 minute nap.
6) Received first Christmas card! (It was from Hallmark, but still...)
7) My mom was worried she was dying (at a faster rate than others), and confirmed today after her dr's visit that she is ok. (Like I told her! But its still a good thing.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 8 - November 9, 2010

Having to work tonight.
1) Children behaving.
2) Trent laughing while I was running the plane down the slide.
3) Alyssa making her lunch.
4) Waking up with my alarm clock.
5) Trent eating most of his dinner.

The Tanya thing. (The main girl that's giving her a hard time at school. She said a lot of nasty stuff to her today.)
1) Watching Shrek with Trenton
2) Getting to play with Naomi for a little bit. (Her BFF and our neighbor)
3) Going to bed (She was super sleepy)
4) Laughing with Trent a lot tonight.
5) Eating good Mac & Cheese for dinner.
6) Getting to eat the last chocolate pumpkin.

Getting yelled at by Sissy a lot tonight for pulling her hair.
1) Getting a sucker at Dr.Laurance's today.
2) Laughing a lot today-everything was funny and silly!
3) Having cookie crisp for breakfast!
4) Getting an early morning bath because I poured the milk from my cookie crisp over my head.
5) Putting my jammies on because they're hot dog jammies!! (Hot Dog=Mickey Mouse)

The Tanya thing.
1) A patient came in tonight that I thought FOR SURE was going to need an ear lavage and he didn't-YAY!
2) Trenton tooting, me telling him "Excuse You", and him saying "Thank You".
3) Receiving a heartfelt letter from Caroline expressing her gratitude regarding the wellbeing of her daughter (Naomi)
4) Super busy at work tonight, but everyone was exceptionally nice. (No stupid people!!! LOL. Amazing!)
5) Two girls came in tonight that really impressed me. The first girl was in a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury resulting from an auto accident that wasn't her fault. She was the passenger and the only one seriously hurt in the accident. The second was a girl who was picking up stuff in her room when her light went out. She tripped over her backpack, stepped on a pencil sticking out of her backpack, which then caused her to fall, spraining her ankle and smacking her head on her dresser. This is the same foot that has been previously broken twice and has already had surgery to it. In both cases, the girls were laughing at their misfortunes. Unbelievable.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 7 - November 8, 2010

Waking up before my alarm went off.
1) Getting home at a decent hour.
2) Getting a good night's sleep last night.
3) Children being relatively good.
4) Getting the sound to work on the video player.
5) Not having a lot to catch up on at work.

Getting picked on at school.
1) Watching Shrek with my brother.
2) It being a short day at school.
3) Readng Chicks Chicka Boom Boom to my Trent twice.
4) Getting to eat a chocolate pumpkin for dessert.
5) Seeing Naomi outside of my window.
6) Finishing my book tonight! Sweet Valley Twins - Keeping Secrets.

Being woken up early from my nap!
1) Going to Dr.Haynes(My weight loss doc) & Ashley's(his wife/front desk person) to play with toys and get prizes!
2) Going to Target - Yay!
3) Going to Starbucks - Yummy! And getting a holiday cup!
4) Watching Shrek with Sissy.
5) Eating 2 pieces of toast for dinner!

Alyssa being picked on at school again.
1) Getting almost all green lights on the way home from work again.
2) Getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.
3) Finishing my expiration date project at work - Finally.
4) Starting this blog.
5) Already receiving wonderful complements on starting my blog!