Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

Not finishing the closet.
1) Finishing most of the closet.
2) The weather being nice.
3) Trent telling me to hurry up so he can say Nigh-Nigh.
4) Trent taking a long nap.
5) Finishing up my benefits enrollment.

Having to go home while playing at Naomi's.
1) Playing with Naomi for an hour
2) Eating spaghetti and pizza - it's Italian food day!
3) Not having to deal with Tanya for 4 days in a row! Very Nice, High Five!
4) Playing Bunco and winning the most buncos! It was my first time playing too!
5) Drinking hot cocoa with a french vanilla flavored chocolate spoon! (Part of my prize for winning at Bunco!)

Going to JC Penney's for a Xmas photo with sissy. I did NOT want to do this today. (Mommy had to reschedule)
1) Having the gate moved to behind the table, now there's lots of room for me to run around! (And get into things!)
2) Snuggling with Mommy a lot.
3) Reading 3 books to Mommy.
4) Eating cashews for the first time (and finishing off about half a can!)
5) Eating "red chips" (Doritos)

Mark not helping me with Trent at the photo session. Or being involved in it at all actually.
1) Trent snuggling with me a lot today.
2) Alyssa having fun and winning bunco.
3) Starting my online wish list today!
4) Finding out that most of the people we know had a crappy day today too!
5) Today being the last day that my brother will be in his 20's. And that make me laugh. JEFF WILL BE 30 TOMORROW!!!!!!
6) Pumpkin Spice Latte!

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