Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 2 - November 3, 2010

Alyssa was a terd (being mouthy) off and on tonight.
1) Julie scratching my back when I woke up.
2) Giving Trent a bath.
3) It being my Thursday at work.
4) Chevron had diet mountain dew in the soda fountain.
5) R. and his girlfriend breaking up.

Fully waking up to the sound of buzzing from Mark's razor.
1) Talking to Summer.
2) Playing bingo in history.
3) I made two new friends today - Catherine & Olivia.
4) Getting to eat rice, toast, applesauce and pasta for snack and dinner tonight!
5) Mark put candy in my lunch today!

More diarrhea diapers=BRAT diet today.
1) Mommy taking me on a ride around the complex in the wagon.
2) Watching "Snoopy" movie.
3) Learning we could look for new light-up fire truck shoes in a bigger size.
4) Got to play in the bath tonight!
5) Mommy tickling my ear and making me laugh hard.

I had to do an EKG on a convicted sex offender.
1) Alyssa had a good day at school today.
2) Tickling Trent's ear and making him laugh.
3) Going on a walk with Trent in the wagon and seeing baby lizards.
4) Carol(my boss) telling me that all the organizing I've been doing at work looks really great.
5) Mark saying one of his favorite parts of the day was me scratching his back in the morning.

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